Thursday, September 13, 2007

Learning through doing

One of the reasons I have been taking photos at various rallies and demos over the last few weeks was that in wanted to try my hand at a photo essay. Inspired by the work of the Magnum agency and hoping to get my stuff published in JPG magazine I have been collecting images of the parliamentary election campaign here in Greece. In the next week or so I hope to be finished with the picture taking and start work on the text.

I've found this essay by Wendy Folse especially helpful.

As with so many things I try my ultimate aim is to be able to use the skills I pick up in order to use these ideas effectively in my English lessons.


helensotiriadis said...

i've been reading through your last posts and comments and i just wanted to say that i hope you get justice with 'the incident' -- and good luck with the publishing. i've subscribed to the blog and i enjoy your images -- they're very expressive.

teacher dude said...

Thanks TMT. I love your blog as well. Very much my kind of thinking.